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GATE XL Biochemistry
Section 1 : Structure & Function of Biomolecules (398:45)
Section 1 : Carbohydrates (134:40)
Section 1 : Lipids (116:01)
Section 1 : Proteins (153:06)
Section 1 : Nucleic Acids (158:23)
Section 1 : Protein structure, folding and function (491:25)
Section 2 : Enzyme kinetics including its regulation and inhibition, Coenzymes (312:48)
Section 2 : Vitamins (109:25)
Section 2 : Glycogen & Fatty Acid Metabolism (408:47)
Section 2 : Glycolysis, TCA Cycle, Pentose Phosphate Pathway, Oxidative Phosphorylation, Gluconeogenesis (238:52)
Section 2 : Metabolism of Amino Acids (137:29)
Section 2 : Nitrogen Fixation (87:12)
Section 2 : Metabolism of Nucleotide (65:48)
Section 2 : Photosynthesis: Calvin cycle. (259:14)
Section 3 : Biochemical Separation Techniques (290:19)
Section 5 : DNA Replication
Section 5 : Transcription
Section 5 : Translation
Section 5 : Biochemical regulation of gene expression
Section 5 : Recombinant DNA technology and applications
Section 5 : DNA Microarray
Section 6 : Immune System
Section 1, 2 & 3 PPts
Section 4 PPts
Section 5 PPTs
Section 6 PPTs
GATE XL Chemistry
Section 1A: Atomic Structure
Section 1B: Periodicity
Section 2: Structure & Bonding
Section 3: s.p,d block elements
Section 4: Chemical Equilibrium
Section 5: Electrochemistry
Section 6: Reaction Kinetics
Section 7: Thermodynamics
Section 8: Organic Chemistry
Section 9: Structure-Reactivity Correlations
GATE XL Microbiology
Section 1 - Historical Perspective
Section 2: Methods in Microbiology
Section 3: Microbial Taxonomy and Diversity
Section 4 - Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells: Structure and Function
Section 5 - Microbial Growth
Section 6: Control of Micro-organisms (77:15)
Section 7 - Microbial Metabolism
Section 7 : Glycogen & Fatty Acid Metabolism (408:47)
Section 7 : Metabolism of Amino Acids (137:29)
Section 8: Microbial Diseases and Host Pathogen Interaction
Section 9 : Antibiotics: Classification, mode of action (22:58)
Section 10: Microbial Genetics
Section 11: Microbial Ecology
GATE XL Botany
Section 1: Plant Systematics
Section 2: Plant Anatomy
Section 3: Cell Cycle, Cell Division - Morphogenesis & Development
Section 3: Totipotency - Morphogenesis & Development
Section 3: Embryogenesis - Morphogenesis & Development
Section 4: Photosynthesis - Physiology and Biochemistry
Section 4: Photorespiration - Physiology and Biochemistry
Section 4: Nitrogen Metabolism - Physiology and Biochemistry
Section 4: Enzyme Kinetics - Physiology and Biochemistry
Section 5: Mendelian Inheritance - Genetics
Section 5: linkage, recombination, genetic mapping; extrachromosomal inheritance
Section 5 : Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Genome Organization
Section 5 : Mutation
Section 6: Transgenic Plants - Plant Breeding and Genetic Modification
Section 6: Plastids - Plant Breeding and Genetic Modification (14:24)
Section 6: Role / Application of Genetics Genomics In Agriculture
Section 7: Economic Botany
Section 8: Host Parasite Interactions - Plant Pathology
Section 9: Ecological Succession : Ecology and Environment
Section 9 : Ecosystems
Section 9 : Conservation Strategies
GATE XL Zoology
Section 1: Animal World
Section 2: Evolution
Section 3: Genetics
Section 4 : Structure & Function of Biomolecules (398:45)
Section 4 : Carbohydrates (134:40)
Section 4 : Lipids (116:01)
Section 4 : Proteins (153:06)
Section 4 : Nucleic Acids (158:23)
Section 4 : Glycolysis, TCA Cycle, Pentose Phosphate Pathway, Oxidative Phosphorylation, Gluconeogenesis (238:52)
Section 4 : Glycogen & Fatty Acid Metabolism (408:47)
Section 4 : Vitamins (109:25)
Section 4 : Transcription
Section 4 : Translation
Section 4: NOTES - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Section 5: Cell Biology
Section 7: NOTES - Animal Anatomy and Physiology
Section 7 : Circulatory System
Section 7 : Respiratory System
Section 8: Parasitology and Immunology
Section 9: Development Biology
Section 10: Ecology
Section 11: Animal Behaviour
GATE XL Test Series
GATE XL Biochemistry Test
GATE XL Botany Test
GATE XL Zoology - Immunology & Parasitology
GATE XL Zoology - Animal Anatomy
GATE XL Zoology - Developmental Biology
GATE XL Zoology - Cell Biology
GATE XL Zoology - Animal World
GATE XL Zoology - Ecology
GATE XL Zoology - Evolution
GATE XL - Food Technology
Section 1: Food Chemistry and Nutrition - Carbohydrates (79:39)
Section 1 : Proteins (78:50)
Section 1 : Enzymes (146:31)
Section 1 : Lipids (77:18)
Section 1 : Nutrition (58:39)
Section 2 : Food Microbiology (138:05)
Section 3: Food Products Technology - Food processing and Preservation (314:04)
Section 3 : Food Additives (282:10)
Section 3 : Food Packaging and Storage (177:10)
Section 3 : Food Standards & Quality Maintenance (377:55)
GATE XL Concept Review Tests - Answer Key
GATE XL Concept Review Test - Answer Key
Section 2 : Metabolism of Nucleotide
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