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Enzybiotics Certification Course
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Enzybiotics - A Sneak Peek
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Enzybiotics Certification Course
Day 1 : Enzybiotics–Introduction, types and their potential applications in medicine (59:22)
Day 2 : Advantages of using antibiotics as therapeutic agents (41:14)
Day 3 : Advantages of using phages as therapeutic agents (42:46)
Day 4 : Disadvantages of using antibiotics as therapeutic agents (41:57)
Day 5 : Disadvantages of using phages as therapeutic agents (46:24)
Day 6 : Enzybiotics as selective killers of target bacteria (46:54)
Day 7 : Phylogeny of Enzybiotics (53:51)
Day 8 : Bacteriophage Lysins : The Ultimate Enzybiotic (48:42)
Day 9 : Bacteriophage holins and their membrane disrupting the activity (36:45)
Day 10 : Anti-Staphylococcal Lytic Enzymes (47:31)
Day 11 : Membrane-Targeted Enzybiotics (48:57)
Day 12 : Design of phage cocktails for therapy from a host range point of view (51:47)
Day 13 : Identifying phage lytic enzymes: past, present, and future (46:01)
Day 14 : Use of genetically modified phages to deliver suicidal genes to target bacteria (50:47)
Downloadable Section
Must Read Research Papers Based On Enzybiotics
List of Phylogenetic, Bacteriophage and EnzyBiotics Softwares
Companies Involved in Use or Development of Enzybiotics
Knowledge Test
Antibiotic Enzymes as Drugs and Therapeutics - Knowledge Test
Day 5 : Disadvantages of using phages as therapeutic agents
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