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BioTecNika Schrodinger Joint Workshop
Biotecnika - Schrödinger Workshop
About the Workshop
Advantages of Attending
Day 1: Introduction to Computational Drug Design
Day 2: Protein-ligand Interactions
Day 3: Model Protein-ligand Poses in Hit Identification and Optimization
Day 4: Day 4: Extra Precision Docking and Advanced Analysis
DAY 5 : Predicting Protein flexibility upon ligand binding
Day 6: Virtually Screen Large Compound Libraries in Preparation for SAR
Day 7: Combine Modeling and Experimental Data for SAR Development
Day 8: Ideate New Compounds Based on Modeling and SAR Understanding
Day 9: De-novo Molecular Design
Day 10: Case Study in Molecular Modeling – cJNK protein
Day 9: De-novo Molecular Design
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