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Course Curriculum
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StartIntroduction class 15/04/2024 (71:25)
StartNupur mam 16/04/2024 (87:38)
StartNupur mam 17/04/2024 (88:00)
StartNupur mam 18/04/2024 (75:05)
StartSomrhita mam 19/04/2024 Section 3- Replication-Lecture 1 (87:50)
StartSection 3- Replication-Lecture 2 22/04/2024 (76:46)
StartSection 3- DNA repair 23/04/2024 (78:05)
StartSection 3_Genetics and Evolutionary Biology_Mitosis_Part 4_Nupur_24.04.2024_GATE BT (85:37)
StartNupur maam 25/04/2024 (93:51)
StartSection - 2 Nitrogen fixation Lecture-1 26/04/2024 (84:21)
StartWeekly Test 29/04/2024
StartSection 3_Genetics and Evolutionary Biology_Meiosis_Part 2_Nupur_29.04.2024_GATE BT (95:48)
StartSection 7_Molecular tools_PCR_Part 1_Tithi 30/04/2024 (84:28)
StartSection 3- Transcription-lecture 1 02/05/2024 (79:39)
StartNupur mam 03/05/2024 (84:24)
StartSection 7_Molecular tools_PCR_Part 2_Tithi 06/05/2024 (91:02)
StartSection 3_Genetics and Evolutionary Biology_Meiosis_Part 4_Nupur_07.05.2024_GATE BT (76:13)
StartSection 3_Genetics and Evolutionary Biology_Principles of Heredity_Part 1_Nupur_08.05.2024_GATE BT (80:04)
StartSection 3- Transcription-lecture 2 09/05/2024 (73:26)
StartSection - 2 Microbiology - Microbial interaction; virus structure & function Lecture-1 10/05/2024 (79:27)
StartSection - 2 Microbiology - Microbial diseases & host pathogen interaction Lecture-2; Antibiotics & antimicrobial resistance Lecture-1 13/05/2024 (70:50)
StartWeekly Test link 13/05/2024
StartNupur mam 14/05/2024 (92:37)
StartSection 7_Analytical Tools_Mass Spectrometry_Dr. Tanushree_15-05-24_GATE BT (81:35)
StartSection 7_Recombinant DNA Technology-Lec 1_Dr. Tanushree_16-05-24_GATE BT (86:06)
StartNupur mam 17/05/2024 (92:26)
StartNupur mam 20/05/2024 (94:00)
StartNupur mam 21/05/2024 (75:56)
StartSection 7_Molecular tools_DNA labelling and sequencing_Part 1_Tithi 22/05/2024 (78:10)
StartNupur maam 23/05/2024 (87:44)
StartSection - 2 Microbiology - Antibiotics & antimicrobial resistance Lecture-2; Methods in microbiology Lecture-1 24/05/2024 (84:14)
StartWeekly Test Link 27/05/2024
StartSection - 2 Microbiology - Methods in microbiology Lecture-2; Microbial growth & nutrition Lecture-1 27/05/2024 (83:51)
StartSection - 2 Microbiology - Microbial growth & nutrition Lecture-2; Bacterial classification and diversity; Microbial Ecology - microbes in terrestrial ecosystems Lecture-1 28/05/2024 (77:37)
StartSection 2-Immunology-Innate and adaptive immunity-PartI-29-5-2024-Dr Violet-GATE 29/05/2024 (68:08)
StartSection 2-Immunology-Innate and adaptive immunity-PartII-30-5-2024-Dr Violet-GATE (72:43)
StartNupur mam 31/05/2024 (84:30)
StartBiochem-Basics of Chemistry 03/06/2024 (85:14)
Startsection 6- plant tissue culture-lecture 1 04/06/2024 (82:16)
Startsection 6- plant tissue culture-lecture 2 05/06/2024 (77:57)
StartSection 2-Immunology-Innate and adaptive immunity-PartIII-7-6-2024-Dr Violet-GATE (54:26)
StartSection - 2 Microbiology - Microbial Ecology - microbes in terrestrial ecosystems Lecture-2; Biochemistry - Membrane Structure & function Lecture-1 10/06/2024 (83:51)
StartSection 2-Receptors-Organization of Ig Genes-11-6-2024-Dr Violet-GATE (71:17)
Startsection 6- plant tissue culture-lecture 3 12/06/2024 (48:11)
StartSection - 2 Biochemistry - Membrane Structure & function Lecture-2 13/06/2024 (85:27)
StartSection 2-Organs of the immune system-Tcell development-14-6-2024-Dr Violet-GATE (88:33)
StartSection 7_Recombinant DNA Technology-Lec 2_Dr. Tanushree_17-06-24_GATE BT (90:37)
StartSection - 2 Biochemistry - Membrane Structure & function Lecture-2; Membrane pumps & channels 18/06/2024 (80:04)
StartSection - 2 Biochemistry - Membrane Structure & function Lecture-3; Molecular motors Lecture-1 19/06/2024 (77:01)
StartNew LessonSection 3_Genetics and Evolutionary Biology_Sex Determination and Sex linked inheritance_Part 7_Nupur_20.06.2024_GATE BT (88:51)
StartPlant Tissue culture- Sec 6-PYQ discussion 21st June 2024 (81:29)
StartSection - 2 Biochemistry - Molecular motors Lecture-2 24/06/2024 (89:11)
StartSection 3_Genetics and Evolutionary Biology_Sex Determination and Sex linked inheritance_Part 6_Nupur_18.06.2024_GATE BT (71:53)
StartSection 7_Molecular tools_DNA labelling and sequencing Part 2_Tithi 26/06/2024 (94:31)
StartSection 7_Molecular tools_Blotting_Tithi 27/06/2024 (85:06)
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
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What if I am unhappy with the course?
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