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Bioinformatics Basics Internship
Bioinformatics Basics Internship
Day 1 - Introduction to Bioinformatics (64:08)
Day 1 - Assignment
Day 2 - Genome, DNA sequences, Gene structure in Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes (68:28)
Day 2 - Assignment
Day 3 - Extracting, Collecting, and Storing sequences (91:53)
Day 3 - Assignemnt
Day 4 - NCBI, EMBL, Pubmed (95:58)
Day 4 - Assignment
Day 5 - Basic Concepts of Sequence Similarity, Identity and Homology, Homologues, Orthologues, Paralogues, Dot Plot (76:53)
Day 5 - Assignment
Day 6 - Uniprot, PDB, Protein family and Pathway Databases (93:58)
Day 6 - Assignment
Day 7 - Sequence Alignment (Local vs Global), Scoring Matrices (92:03)
Day 7 - Assignment
Day 8 - DEMO: Database Searching: Using BLAST, Gaps, Evaluation of Results using E-value & Bit score (47:01)
Day 8 - Assignment
Day 9 - Protein Structural Hierarchy, Protein Secondary Structure Prediction (60:03)
Day 9 - Assignment
Day 10 - Tertiary Structure Prediction and Quality Assessment, Visualization of Structures using Molecular viewers viz. Rasmol, Pymol etc. (67:42)
Day 10 - Assignment
Day 9 - Protein Structural Hierarchy, Protein Secondary Structure Prediction
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